English: The photo shows the discovery of two new Saturnian moons, as registered on August 7, 2000, with the Wide-Field Imager (WFI) camera at the MPG/ESO 2.2-m telescope at the La Silla Observatory. It displays the faint image of the newly discovered moon S/2000 S 1 in the lower right corner of the field. A spiral galaxy is seen in the upper left corner of this photo. The other objects are (background) stars in the Milky Way. Technical information: 100 sec exposure in R-band filter. The field measures approx. 2.2 x 3.0 arcmin^2. North is up and East is left.
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Es zeigt das schwache Bild des neu entdeckten Mondes S/2000 S 1 in der unteren rechten Ecke des Feldes an.
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European Southern Observatory
Наслов на сликата
The photo shows the discovery of two new Saturnian moons, as registered on August 7, 2000, with the Wide-Field Imager (WFI) camera at the MPG/ESO 2.2-m telescope at the La Silla Observatory. It displays the faint image of the newly discovered moon S/2000 S 1 in the lower right corner of the field. A spiral galaxy is seen in the upper left corner of this photo. The other objects are (background) stars in the Milky Way. Technical information: 100 sec exposure in R-band filter. The field measures approx. 2.2 x 3.0 arcmin^2. North is up and East is left.
Краток наслов
New satellite of Saturn S/2000 S1
Услови на употреба
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License