Податотека:Subject Nationalities of the German Alliance (1917) (cropped).jpg

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English: Subject Nationalities of the German Alliance

Title: Subject Nationalities of the German Alliance Collection: Persuasive Maps: PJ Mode Collection Creator: Unknown Other Creators: J.R. & C. Date: 1917 Posted Date: 2015-08-25 ID Number: 1188.01 Collection Number: 8548 File Name: PJM_1188_01.jpg Style/Period: 1900 - 1919 Subject: World War I Unusual Graphics/Text Measurement: 39 x 63 (centimeters, height x width) Notes: This map shows "the nationalities which are actually subject to Germany and her allies," based on German sources. As such, it dramatically illustrates the goal of the Triple Alliance: "the reorganisation of Europe, guaranteed by a stable settlement, based . . . upon the principle of nationalities" and self determination. The critical data here come from German sources before the war. If a peace agreement resulted simply in "a return to the status quo ante bellum, then the Germans, Magyars, Bulgars,and Turks will continue to rule over the seventeen subject nationalities or fragments of nationalities which they ruled before the war." On the other hand, the "self-determination of nationalities" would "deprive the four dominant nations of Central Europe and the Near East of the advantages they now derive from exploiting populations totalling as much as half their own number." (Cassell, 2). Among these subject nationalities, German conduct has been "monstrous," "bloodthirsty," "atrocious " "oppression" in "almost every conceivable form, from economic injustice and robbery to rape and murder." (Ibid. 3, 4). This map was widely reproduced in different forms; the collection includes four examples: ID #1188 (Cassell folding map); ID #1189 (Stanford's wall map); ID #1195 (Review of Reviews); ID #1198.02 (Stanford's school atlas). For further information on the Collector’s Notes and a Feedback/Contact Link, see https://persuasivemaps.library.cornell.edu/content/about-collection-personal-statement and https://persuasivemaps.library.cornell.edu/content/feedback-and-contact Source:

Cassell and Company Limited. 1917. Subject Nationalities of the German Alliance. London: Cassell and Company Limited.


also available at: https://web.archive.org/web/20190411002031/https://www.loc.gov/resource/g5691e.ct004280/

Creator: Unknown Other Creators:

J.R. & C.
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: Subject Nationalities of the German Alliance (1917).jpg
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Ова дело е во јавна сопственост во САД бидејќи е издадено пред 1 јануари 1930 г.

Делата во јавна сопственост мораат да бидат со истечени авторски права како во САД, така и во изворната земја на делото за да можат да бидат на Ризницата. Ако делото не е од САД, тогаш податотеката мора да има дополнителна ознака за авторски права која го назначува нејзиниот статус во изворната земја.


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тековна18:49, 26 јули 2021Минијатура на верзијата од 18:49, 26 јули 20214.480 × 2.739 (4,79 МБ)Zoozaz1File:Subject Nationalities of the German Alliance (1917).jpg cropped 53 % horizontally, 53 % vertically using CropTool with precise mode.

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