Español: Provincias de Francia
Pre-Republican provinces of France , numbered according to union with France , with provincial capitals marked.
Created by reference to a 1952 Nouveau Petit Larousse by User:OwenBlacker and licenced under the GFDL .
Provinces as follows, in the format English name (French name , Year of union; Capital):
Royal Domain (Île-de-France , 987 , Paris )
Berry (Berry , 1101 , Bourges )
Duchy of Orléanais (Orléanais , 1198 , Orléans )
Normandy (Normandie , 1204 , Rouen )
Languedoc , mainly the County of Toulouse (Languedoc , 1270 , Toulouse )
Lyonnais (Lyonnais , 1313 , Lyon )
Dauphiné , (Dauphiné , 1349 , Grenoble )
County of Champagne (Champagne , 1361 , Troyes )
Aunis , a fief of Aquitaine (Aunis , 1371 , La Rochelle )
Saintonge (Saintonge , 1371 , Saintes )
Poitou (Poitou , 1416 , Poitiers )
Duchy of Aquitaine (Aquitaine , 1453 , Bordeaux ), taken from England and split into provinces of Gascogne (Armagnac ) and Guyenne (Bordeaux ), but excluding the viscounties of Foix, Béarn, Bigorre and Périgord (kept by Navarre )
Duchy of Burgundy (Bourgogne , 1477 , Dijon )
Picardy (Picardie , 1482 , Amiens )
Anjou (Anjou , 1482 , Angers )
County of Provence (Provence , 1482 , Aix-en-Provence )
County of Angoulême (Angoumois , 1515 , Angoulême )
Duchy of Bourbon (Bourbonnais , 1527 , Moulins )
La Marche (Marche , 1527 , Guéret )
Duchy of Britanny (Bretagne , 1532 , Rennes )
County of Maine (Maine , 1584 , Le Mans ) and County of Perche (Perche , 1525 , Nogent-le-Rotrou )
Touraine (Touraine , 1584 , Tours )
Limousin (Limousin , 1589 , Limoges ), excluding Viscounty of Périgord (kept by Navarre )
County of Foix (Comté de Foix , 1607 , Foix ) and Viscounty of Périgord (Périgord , 1607, Périgueux , attached to province of Guyenne), both former fiefs from Navarre
Duchy of Auvergne (Auvergne , 1610 , Clermont-Ferrand )
Viscounty of Béarn (Béarn , 1620 , Pau )
Alsace (Alsace , 1648 , Strasbourg )
County of Artois , a fief of the w:Habsburgs ' Spanish Netherlands (Artois , 1659 , Arras )
Roussillon (Roussillon , 1659 , Perpignan )
Flanders , a fief of the w:Habsburgs ' Spanish Netherlands (Flandre , 1668 , Lille )
Free County of Burgundy (Franche-Comté , 1678 , Besançon )
Duchy of Lorraine , a personal territory of Stanisław I of Poland within the Holy Roman Empire (Lorraine , 1766 , Nancy )
Corsica (off map, Corse , 1768 , Ajaccio )The following were not provinces of France before the Revolution, but joined or were annexed to France after it, when departments had replaced all former provinces:
Duchy of Nivernais (Nivernais , 1789 , Nevers )
Comtat Venaissin , a Papal fief (Comtat Venaissain , 1791 , Avignon )
Imperial Free City of Mulhouse (Mulhouse , 1798 )
Duchy of Savoy , a state of the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont (Savoie , 1860 , Chambéry )
County of Nice , a state of the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont (Comté de Nice , 1860 , Nice )
Principality of Montbéliard (Montbéliard , 1816 , Montbéliard )
Free cities of Menton and Roquebrune (1861 ), joining France after the separation (under the protectorate of Sardinia ) in 1848 from Monaco
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