Diffusion_animation.gif (400 × 344 пиксели, големина: 575 КБ, MIME-тип: image/gif, кружно, 109 кадри, 2,0 с)

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English: This example illustrates the process of gaseous diffusion. The colored blocks represent molecules that are experiencing Brownian motion. Over time the two colors will be approximately evenly distributed between the top and bottom half.

The image is an animated output of a CAGE simulation. The display is a two-dimensional black grid on a white background. A purple line is drawn horizontally spitting the grid in half, leaving the right one-quarter of the separation open. The simulation begins with about 20 light purple squares randomly placed above the delineation and the same number of green squares below. The squares are immediately set in motion and bouncing off any border it makes contact with. Squares are able to pass from top-to-bottom and bottom-to-top through the gap left on the right. Eventually the light-purple and green squares are equally distributed on the top and bottom. The simulation

simply continues indefinitely, resetting itself periodically.
Bahasa Indonesia: Contoh ini menggambarkan proses difusi gas. Kotak berwarna mewakili molekul-molekul yang mengalami gerak Brown. Setiap saat, sekitar dua warna akan terdistribusi merata antara bagian atas dan bawah.
Извор http://classwww.gsfc.nasa.gov/CAGESite/pages/demo3.htm
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Датум/време Димензии Корисник Коментар
18:47, 7 January 2006 400 × 344 (589,270 bytes) w:en:Brian0918 (разговор | придонеси) ()
18:42, 7 January 2006 400 × 344 (589,270 bytes) w:en:Brian0918 (разговор | придонеси) ()
18:40, 7 January 2006 400 × 344 (589,270 bytes) w:en:Brian0918 (разговор | придонеси) (This example illustrates the process of gaseous diffusion. The colored blocks represent molecules that are experiencing Brownian motion. Over time the two colors will be approximately evenly distributed between the top and bottom half. The image is an an)


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тековна20:25, 20 август 2012Минијатура на верзијата од 20:25, 20 август 2012400 × 344 (575 КБ)OgreBot(BOT): Reverting to most recent version before archival
20:25, 20 август 2012Минијатура на верзијата од 20:25, 20 август 2012400 × 344 (575 КБ)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2006-01-07 18:42:16 by Brian0918
20:25, 20 август 2012Минијатура на верзијата од 20:25, 20 август 2012400 × 344 (575 КБ)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2006-01-07 18:40:57 by Brian0918
09:14, 20 август 2012Минијатура на верзијата од 09:14, 20 август 2012400 × 344 (575 КБ)BulwersatorTransferred from en.wikipedia: see original upload log above

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