Податотека:Chaplin and Gandhi 1931.jpg

Chaplin_and_Gandhi_1931.jpg (412 × 278 пиксели, големина: 80 КБ, MIME-тип: image/jpeg)

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English: Gandhi (middle) meets with Charlie Chaplin (left) at the home of Dr. Kaitial in Canning Town, London, September 22, 1931.
Извор http://proudindian123.tripod.com/great/photos.html
Автор НепознатUnknown author


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  • A photograph, which has never previously been made available to the public (e.g. by publication or display at an exhibition) and which was taken more than 70 years ago (before 1 January 1955); or
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Напомена: Имајте предвид дека оваа ознака не треба да се користи за аудиоснимки.
Сликава има прибелешки: Погледајте ги на Ризницата


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22 септември 1931

278 пиксел

412 пиксел

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тековна05:15, 11 април 2019Минијатура на верзијата од 05:15, 11 април 2019412 × 278 (80 КБ)RiquixWhite frame cutted
09:50, 4 јуни 2005Минијатура на верзијата од 09:50, 4 јуни 2005416 × 284 (27 КБ)YannGandhi meets with Charlie Chaplin at the home of Dr. Kaitial in Canning Town, London, September 22, 1931. {{PD}} The photographer is unknown and the photo is more than 70 years old. According to the Bern Convention and the law of most countries, this ph

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