Податотека:Alhambra general plan (numbered).png

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English: General plan of the Alhambra.

The legend corresponding to the numbers is provided below. A blank version, without numbers, has also been uploaded (see "Alhambra general plan (blank).png"), if editors want to make their own labels.

Source: This is a recreation of a map published in: Dodds, Jerrilynn D. (ed.) (1992). "Al-Andalus: The Art of Islamic Spain". New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. ISBN 0870996371. p. 130 (full book available here) Another version of the same map is also published in: Puerta-Vílchez, José Miguel (2021), "The Alhambra and the Generalife. The Eternal Landmarks of Islamic Granada." in Boloix-Gallardo, Bárbara (ed.) "A Companion to Islamic Granada". Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-42581-1. p. 367.

Some very minor modifications (mostly simplifications or clean-up of details), and the addition of the Rawda (Rauda) outline, were made according to the more detailed site plan provided in: López, Jesús Bermúdez (2011). "The Alhambra and the Generalife: Official Guide". TF Editores. ISBN 9788492441129.

Identification of the different numbered structures and locations was also done according to the same sources above and various other scholarly sources.


  1. Alcazaba
  2. Puerta de las Armas
  3. Puente del Cadí or Puerta de los Tableros (remains of a Zirid-era fortification next to the Darro river)
  4. Torres Bermejas
  5. Plaza de los Aljibes
  6. Puerta del Vino
  7. Puerta de la Justicia
  8. Palace of Charles V
  9. Mexuar (ruined outer courtyards)
  10. Mexuar (main hall and other standing structures)
  11. Court of the Myrtles (Comares Palace)
  12. Court of the Lions (Palace of the Lions)
  13. Lindaraja Courtyard
  14. Peinador de la Reina
  15. Partal Palace
  16. Palacio del Partal Alto (Upper Partal Palace, ruins and gardens)
  17. Rawda (or Rauda; ruined Nasrid mausoleum)
  18. Church of Santa Maria (site of former mosque)
  19. Baths of the Mosque
  20. Palace of the Abencerrajes (excavated ruins)
  21. Convent of Saint Francis (Convento/Palacio de San Francisco), built over former Nasrid palace, now the Parador hotel
  22. Torre de los Picos
  23. Torre de la Cautiva
  24. Torre de las Infantas
  25. Torre del Agua (and royal aqueduct)
  26. Puerta/Torre de los Siete Suelos
  27. Generalife Palace
Darker structures are generally of Nasrid origin (per the source map, see below), while the most significant later Christian Spanish or modern structures are in dark grey. Note, however, that this is marked only in a very general way, not in every detail; the main purpose is to highlight the Nasrid Palaces from the rest of the buildings nearby, for example. Various Spanish modifications to the Nasrid structures are not marked out in grey and some Nasrid remains among the later structures are not marked in black, as the source maps don't provide that level of detail and it might make the map visually messier.
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Автор R Prazeres
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